The Stirrup is a Competitive Advantage?

Few inventions have been as simple as the stirrup, but few have had so catalytic an influence on history.  Some argue that the stirrup was one of the basic tools used to create and spread modern civilization–possibly as important as the wheel or printing press.  I’ve lived in Texas now for five years, and though I still don’t own a horse (yet), it has me thinking about this relatively small detail – this invention that we take for granted, has arguably changed the course of history, and helps us think about what competitive advantage could mean for our own personal fulfillment.

Of course modern riders use stirrups almost without exception.  Stirrups do make riding more comfortable. They help provide a bit of extra balance – although a competent rider does not rely on them.  When racing – jockeys use stirrups to support themselves above the horse’s back allowing the horse to have more spinal motion and thus run faster. The simple matter is, the stirrup gives the rider a solid foundation on which to put her weight.

But it has not always been this way. Though the earliest use of the stirrup trails man’s domestication of the horse by a millennium, its impact is widespread. For example, in the Battle of Hastings (1066 AD), William the Conqueror’s troops of Normandy used stirrups on their horses, which gave them a tactical advantage in battle over the Saxons. The use of stirrups allowed cavalry to stay on their horses while in combat. Quite literally, a step-change. Ultimately, William became King of England and French language and customs changed England forever.  Credit the mighty stirrup!

So what is the ‘step change’ in your world? 

1. Looking back at your life and career, what’s the difference maker been for you? What new, small advantage once inculcated, made you wonder how you ever did without this before?  My mother tells me that growing up we were the last house on the block to get a microwave oven. Why would we need that gadget when we can reheat our food on the stove top?!  Of course now she can’t live without the gadget, and I can’t even remember a time without one. The point here is to realize that your next ‘step change’ may be something to embrace without haste.

2. Looking ahead, what’s the new ‘invention’ that will propel you forward? Perhaps journaling, blogging, or meditating. Maybe an enduring change in entertainment choices, sleep patterns, or workplace environment. It could be a new mentor, advanced degree, or technical skill. Whatever it is, let your next step-change take you to the next level.

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