In “Predator” the action movie, our hero narrowly escapes the extraterrestrial by masking his heat signature with a thin layer of mud. He stands in plain sight, yet is invisible to the Predator…
Mud arguably saved the day in the movie, but a thin layer of #muda (process waste) can ruin the day for our real-life companies. In my allegory, the Predator instead is my hero! What if our org had better “heat-seeking sensors?” Couldn’t we then root out the “Schwarzeneggers?” With a little more focus, we can wash away the mud, see the enemy more clearly, and eliminate it!
Some thoughts on how to see ourselves more clearly:
1. Sustain a “Muda removal” culture. Many companies have pockets of Lean thinkers (i.e. Centers of Excellence), but over time the emphasis waxes and wanes. Don’t let waste creep back!
2. Provide fresh training. Level-set the organization on foundational principles (Toyota Way, 5S’s, Lean, value stream mapping, Six-Sigma, SAFe Agile, etc.) – it’s not just for process engineers.
3. Reward realized cost/resource efficiencies. Consider creative ways to recognize – perhaps your version of a “Deming” prize.
“If it bleeds, we can kill it…” (“Predator,” 1987)